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Our Story

Pioneering the Future of E-commerce

Welcome to Commence Commerce, where we blend cutting-edge technology with creative solutions to revolutionize your online shopping experience. As a leader in the e-commerce industry, our journey is one of innovation, dedication, and a deep understanding of the digital marketplace.

Praise Theme is a creation of Commence Studio, a creative agency that crafts purpose-driven brands that connect people and inspire action.

With years of website design and development in the Ecommerce space, Commence Studio has built the Praise Theme with online business owners in mind.

Through their experience, they’ve noticed key features business owners love and request in Commence’s custom website builds and have included those things in this premium Shopify Theme.

Customization Opportunites

As our trusted customization partner, Commence Studio can help you create a Shopify store that’s built for immediate success. They offer done-for-you services where they can build your full website on the Praise Theme and can even add custom functionality that’s unique to your company’s needs.

With added expertise in product and label design, paid media management, and Klaviyo services they’re your one-stop shop on a ticket to growth town.

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